
Deadly seekers of perfection

Feared in the battlefield for their prowess in the art of the blade as well as the use of the elements, the Blademasters devote their life to the perfecting of not only their fighting skills, but also their abilities to conceal their true intentions until the right moment to strike comes up. They usually work alone, but they are great leaders and teammates, making the best of them in combat.

Class Information

Blademasters usually lead the assault, either through fast and deadly strikes on their enemies, or using illusions to protect both themselves and their allies misdirecting their foes attention. No matter the situation, they always must manage their focus in order to achieve victory.
  • Combat Roles
    Tank, Damage
  • Resources
    Health, Focus, Elemental Force, Momentum
  • Armor Type
  • Available Weapons
    Axes, Daggers, Polearms, Staves, Swords
Way of the Burning Blade
Some Blademasters focus their training on the fiery aspect of the elements, allowing them to burn their enemies to ashes.
Melee Damage
Primary Stat: Strength
Prefered Weapon
Two-Handed Axe, Two-Handed Sword
Armor Skills
Blademasters can wear cloth, leather and mail armor. You receive a 5% increase to your primary stat for wearing mail.


The base resource. It recharges over time.
Elemental Force
Cutting Winds, Burning Embers, Mirroring Waters.
It works like a mix of Holy Power and the old DK Runes. Certain abilities generate a charge of certain type, that it could later be spent on other abilities. The player has to manage when to use a charge or save it to use an ability that requires 2 or more diferent charges.


Heart of Fire
Increases Fire damage by X%. Critical hits restore by Y%.


Instant cast
Increases the Versatility of all raid and party members within 100 yards by X% for 1 hour.
Gut Punch
Instant cast
Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
Coin toss
Instant cast
Throws a coin at an enemy target that inflicts Physical damage. Generates high threat.
Cost: small amount of .
Instant cast
Taunts the target to attack you.
Swift Strike
Instant cast
A fast attack that inflicts Physical damage.
Cost: small amount of .
Generates: .
Deadly Strike
Instant cast
Critically strikes at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Generates: .
Decisive Strike
Instant cast
Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Ignite Weapon
Instant cast
Cover your blade in flames for a short duration, inflicting additional Fire damage on each melee attack. Last X sec.
Cost: .
Blazing Strike
Instant cast
Creates a line of flames in front of you that inflicts Fire damage.
Cost: moderate amount of , .
Generates: .
Cauterizing Flame
Instant cast
You use the fire within to heal yourself over 15 sec.
Cost: .
Keen Edge
Instant cast
Charge through an enemy, stunning them for 2 sec. When the stun fades, the target suffers Physical damage for being slashed.
Cost: moderate amount of , .
Generates: .
Wind Walk
Instant cast
Allows you to vanish from sight, entering stealth while in combat for 10 sec. Damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth for the first 3 sec.
Cost: .
Instant cast
Mark the current position in the ground. If the caster is hit by more than 10% of his life in the next X sec., he teleports back to the marked position, leaving behind a Mirror Image that will last 5 sec.
Cost: .
Instant cast
You become the embodiment of living fire, burning everything around you and reducing it to ashes.
For X sec. all your attacks make additional Fire damage, and heal you for Y% of the damage done. Your critical attack chance also increases by Z%. Last for 20 sec.
Cost: , , .
Way of the Swift Step
Some Blademasters chose to attune to the wayward forces of the air element. Those able to master them are rewarded with the grace of the zephyr.
Melee Damage
Primary Stat: Strength
Prefered Weapon
Daggers, One-handed Axes, One-handed Swords
Armor Skills
Blademasters can wear cloth, leather and mail armor. You receive a 5% increase to your primary stat for wearing mail.


The base resource. It recharges over time.
Momentum builds up while attacking, and it quickly drops down when idle. It increases the Attack speed and is used to cast abilities, so managing when to use abilities and when to hold and use the bonus speed attack is important.


Master of the Wind
Certain abilities have a probability of applying Cutting Winds, dealing Bleed damage over X sec.


Instant cast
Increases the Versatility of all raid and party members within 100 yards by X% for 1 hour.
Gut Punch
Instant cast
Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
Coin toss
Instant cast
Throws a coin at an enemy target that inflicts Physical damage. Generates high threat.
Cost: small amount of .
Instant cast
Taunts the target to attack you.
Quick Strike
Instant cast
A fast attack that inflicts Physical damage.
Cost: small amount of .
Deadly Strike
Instant cast
Critically strikes at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Decisive Strike
Instant cast
Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Cutting Edge
Instant cast
Increases your Attack speed by X% and your Movement speed by Y% for Z sec.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Arc Blade
Instant cast
Flips behind the target and inflicts Physical damage.
Cost: small amount of .
Generates: small amount of .
Rushing Winds
Instant cast
Creates a tempest in the target area causing Nature damage to enemies and slowing them in its area.
Cost: moderate amount of , moderate amount of .
Instant cast
Ignites up to 8 nearby enemies, inflicting Fire damage for X sec.
Cost: moderate amount of , moderate amount of .
Wind Walk
Instant cast
Allows you to vanish from sight, entering stealth while in combat for 3 sec. Damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Instant cast
Mark the current position in the ground. If the caster is hit by more than 10% of his life in the next X sec., he teleports back to the marked position, leaving behind a Mirror Image that will last 5 sec.
Cost: high amount of .
Instant cast
Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force for 6 sec., dealing Physical damage to nearby enemies.
Cost: high amount of , high amount of .
Way of the Phantom Pain
Very few Blademasters achieve to master the mystical powers of the water, and they are feared for that.
Primary Stat: Strength
Prefered Weapon
Polearms, Staves
Armor Skills
Blademasters can wear cloth, leather and mail armor. You receive a 5% increase to your primary stat for wearing mail.


The base resource. It recharges over time.


Grand Illusion
You get healed by a X% of the damage done by the Mirror Images after they vanish. Using a Flamestrike or Burning Touch right after Tidal Strike or Mirroring Waters reduces the cooldowns on Wind Shield and Mirror Images by Y sec.


Instant cast
Increases the Versatility of all raid and party members within 100 yards by X% for 1 hour.
Gut Punch
Instant cast
Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
Coin toss
Instant cast
Throws a coin at an enemy target that inflicts Physical damage. Generates high threat.
Cost: small amount of .
Instant cast
Taunts the target to attack you.
Nimble Strike
Instant cast
A fast attack that inflicts Physical damage.
Cost: small amount of .
Deadly Strike
Instant cast
Critically strikes at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Decisive Strike
Instant cast
Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Tidal Strike
Instant cast
Your next attack inflicts additional Nature damage and reduces the movement speed of the target by a X% for Y sec.
Cost: small amount of .
Mirroring Waters
Instant cast
Summons a pool of water at your feet. While you or any of your mirror images stand on it, it increases your attack damage by X% and the damage you take by Y%.
Cost: small amount of .
Simulated Sacrifice
Instant cast
Sacrifice the target Mirror Image. You instantly heal X% of the remaining health of that copy.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Instant cast
You ignite your weapon and charge to the target, inflicting Fire damage.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Burning Touch
Instant cast
Engulfs the target in flames, inflicting Fire damage and stunning for X sec.
Cost: moderate amount of .
Wind Shield
Instant cast
You sorround yourself with protective winds, reducing your attack speed and your movement speed by X%, and increasing your evasion by Y%.
Cost: small amount of .
Mirror Images
Instant cast
Summon 2 copies of you that will attack you opponents. You take a 10% of the damage they receive. After 30 sec. they copies will vanish.
Cost: moderate amount of .